General Assembly and Dinner of FBN Bulgaria
- Grand Hotel Millenium Sofia
26 participants, of which 19 official delegates of family companies, members of the "Association of Family Business - Bulgaria" took part in the General Assembly of the organisation held at the Grand Hotel Millennium Sofia on 11th of April this year.
The General Assembly was opened with a welcome from the Chairman of the Management Board of the Association, Lawyer Stefan Gugushev.
Representatives of recently accepted family companies presented their businesses and families - Gergana Manolova presented the activities of "M-Gaz" EOOD, Stefan Varbanov presented "Mebex" EOOD, and Sibel Kyashif impressed with the achievements of "Kashif" EOOD.
Within the pre-announced agenda of the meeting, the report on the activities of the Management Board for 2023, the report on the financial status of the Association and "FBN" EOOD as of 31.12.2023, the budget of the Association for 2024 were considered and adopted. Mr.
The General Assembly accepted the application for early retirement of Zhechko Kyurkchiev as a member of the Management Board and thanked him for his significant contribution to the development of the organization.
The two vice-presidents of the Next Generation youth structure, Bogdana Vateva-Vangelova and Ivaylo Nenkov, whose mandates expired, received thanks for their dedicated work.
The participants in the General Assembly discussed important organisational issues and shared their opinion and recommendations for the further development and activity of the Association, which is celebrating its 17th anniversary this year.
In the final part of the meeting, the guest of the event was the author of "Who will inherit my business?" Kaloyan Kirilov, who shared his motivation to write the book.
After the meeting, the participants were joined by other members of the organisation for an unite dinner.